Wednesday, September 28, 2011

28 weeks

I did my blood work on September 19th. I was really nervous for this. I had heard so many different things about the drink, and I am scared to death to drink nasty stuff! So, I chose the fruit punch flavor. It really tasted like flat pop and wasnt too awful. The guy doing my blood work hurt me though, jerk :)  This day was also Miss Keira's 10th birthday!! Which is insane, and really makes me feel old. Also my friend Rhonda had her baby boy Sylis :) He is adorable! 

Went to the doctors on Wednesday. She is measuring 29 weeks (so a week ahead now). I gained 2 lbs since my last appointment, and I passed my glucose test ! Ive been having some issues at work with having lower back pain and stomach pain while there. Not like contractions but it just HURTS. They said because she is sitting so low she is so heavy on my back/stomach. I needed to get a pregnancy support belt to help hold her up more. 

Stephanie and I hung out a couple times last week which was fun :) I missed her. 

28 weeks on Thursday :) This is what Charlotte did this week:

You know how you’ve been feeling like a whale with legs?
To state the obvious, that feeling isn't going anywhere until you finally get down to the hard work (aka labor) of evicting your womb-squatter.
For the time being, your little genius is in the fat collection business!
Despite being a bipedal whale, this fetal fat collection stuff is serious business, and you’ve got to put up with it because it’s going to keep your little porker warm and healthy after birth, since their brain will be unable to regulate their tiny baby-body's temperature.
Other good stuff from inside the womb: your little explorer's eyes are doing lots of blinking this week because they’re now responding to light and dark!
And in life-critical physical developments: your champ's tiny industrious bone marrow is now a major construction site for blood cells, while their super-cute adrenal glands are actually producing androgen and estrogen — which will stimulate your body to begin milk production.
Say “Moo”!

Friday Johnathon and I hung out because he didnt have school :) We went over and saw Rhonda and her baby. I worked all weekend, which I hate !! :D Caitlyn is back at our house now for the week. I missed her tons last week while she was at her moms. 

Sunday night was Keira's birthday party. Which was a lot of fun. <3 We got her the Glee Tour CD. Im sure she is driving her mom nuts with it. (Sorry Steph) 

Tuesday Caitlyn and I went over to Hollys and hung out with the kids and her : ) Jesse and Caitlyn painted the babies room, and we now have the crib set up too :) 

Im so excited and I am so ready for December to be here :) 

28 weeks was a busy week :) 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Broken Wrist & 27 weeks

So, What has happened since I last updated .... 
The week started off pretty boring last week after we got Caitlyn back from her moms. Just the normal day to day stuff. Get up for school, clean the house, grocery store..etc.Monday we went to Bob Evans because it was Jesse's grandma's birthday.  Then Tuesday got here and the week went a little crazy. When I got to Caitlyn's school to pick her up her teacher told me that she fell off the monkey bars and that she still seemed a little shaken up but that she was pretty sure she was OK. As soon as Caitlyn saw me she started crying, and when I say crying I mean CRYING. Telling me her arm hurt and I needed to take her to the doctor. So, I called Jesse (who left work asap) and called her pediatrician to see what they thought we should do. They said that if it swelled or bruised we should take her into the ER (Children s) or if we just wanted to have it x rayed we should take her in. Jesse got home and looked at it and called Ashley (her mama). There was no bruising, no swelling and she only said it hurt when she bent it ONE way. She could move it and was asking to go and climb the tree in the backyard. We tried to get her to relax, put ice on it, take a nap..etc. We took her for ice cream later on and she said that the ice cream made it all better. The rest of the night she babied her arm but didn't really complain much about it at all. She went to school the next day, we watched Johnathon and hung out. Then dinner that night I noticed it looked bruised. We called her Mom and took her into the ER, and guess what? It was broken. Who would have thought? It bruised and swelled within an hour (36 hours after injury occurred). She was a trooper though and did really well at the hospital.
We kept her home from school on Thursday. :) She had a great day though. Her mom, sister and Nana stopped over to see her and sign her cast. We hung out and went to Walmart and bought her a new outfit (spoiled much?). She hung out with Johnathon for a while, and got to see Papaw too. That day I also turned 27 weeks. :) 

Third trimester, three months until the babies due date! AHHHH!!!! I am so ready to be done with this, and have her here with me. I got some stuff done in her room and I really really hope we can paint this next weekend ( haha, how many more weeks can I say that?!) 

We went with Uncle David and the kids to carraige hill and rode the ponies :)  Now Caitlyn is back at her moms. I have a keyboard again so I will be able to actually update on time this week. 

Glucose test tomorrow, doctors on wednesday :) 
Here are some pictures from the week and Charlottes 27 week update !!!

Your not-so-tiny-anymore baby (2 pounds and 14.5 inches long!) is slowly rotating in preparation to “head out” for the grand entrance on their birthday!
Now obviously, this doesn’t happen overnight, but when you start to feel a new sort of pressure "down there" (aka your cervix), you’ll know you’ve got a fully flipped locked-n-loaded womb-fruit waiting for the countdown to launch!
If you feel like they're still not flipped, don't worry, you've still got time.
Impressive physical developments of the week: your child's lungs are already capable of breathing air as their vascular system can now handle oxygen/carbon exchange and their brain stem can now regulate rhythmic breathing as well as their basal body temperature!
For what it’s worth, at this point in a healthy pregnancy - if you were to give birth prematurely, your tiny fighter could easily win on the show: “Survivor: The Early Years.”
Go ahead, give your belly a gentle hi-five!

Friday, September 9, 2011

26 weeks

Its so crazy how fast these weeks go. I feel like this past week just flew by. The last seven weeks or so have kind of went slow, but this last one went pretty fast. I figured once the kids were back in school though my life would speed up.

Last week during week 25. I was pretty sick. I came home from work thursday night and just felt awful. I was sick most of the weekend, which was no fun. Being sick, and pregnant is so hard on me.

My god daughter Keira was also adopted by her step dad last week. What an awesome day that was :)

I am officially *26* weeks pregnant. In about fourteen weeks I will have a baby. There is still so much that needs to be done before she comes. I am trying not to freak out about it - Because if you know me. I freak out!

I really want to get her room set up. Its killing me that its not even semi ready yet. I think its time for a heart to heart with the husband =D

Nesting is no joke. I have been cleaning and organizing my house like crazy. I love it, because I dont feel ashamed of it at all and if someone showed up at my house I wouldnt freak out and need to run around and clean :)

On monday we also went to Holly's house for a cookout. That was a lot of fun :)

This is what baby will be doing this week:
At long last your little swimmer can see!
For the first time ever, your wee babe's eyelids have finally opened (remember: they were fused shut previously) and they’re probably having their first moments of sight as you read this (or maybe it already happened while you were brushing your teeth or browsing the internet or something).
In addition to taking in their first visual impressions of their comfy amniotic-filled studio, your little human-bean recently acquired the ability to move their head around.
That's right, if your child were clever enough (which they're not - yet), they could engage in that most basic of non-verbal communication - the head shake/nod. Not to mention, gawking!
In further anti-alien developments: your little super star’s head hair is starting to grow in!
Who knows, maybe a cute little cowlick or two is springing into position right now - the first of years of cute-but-stubborn bed-head.
Your wee piggy's toenails have recently grown in and they're still slowly piling up fat beneath their still-loose-n-wrinkly skin.
Most importantly, their brain tissue and neurons are all developing at a rapid pace, increasing their (genius-level?) brain activity, which will continue to function at accelerated levels for the first eight years of childhood!

Keira and I at her adoption

Thursday, September 1, 2011

24/25 Weeks & Kindergarten

My twenty four weeks flew by. I mean, I feel like I just posted about being 23 weeks, amd here I am (thru) my 24 weeks, and needing to write about 24 and 25 ! haha!!

This last week has been crazy. Last thursday we met Caitlyns Kindergarten teacher. She is very young, but seems very nice. We were able to explore her classroom, and look around the school a little so she would be comfortable going to the new school.

I worked all weekend, and was in Never Ending Pasta Bowl hell. I hate it ! Its the most annoying thing in the world. 8.95 all you can eat pasta on the weekend - Brings your tips to like 2 $ ! People dont think about how much work that is putting on me - your pregnant server, the kitchen, and other people in the reseraunt. But its ok - I *love* running around for 2 dollars.

Sunday night - We got Caitlyn back from her Mama. Caity and I went over to Stephanie's house for a "surprise" birthday cake time with her. Needless to say She wasnt very happy lol but Its ok because we had to accknowledge her birthday lol! Plus it was TRUE BLOOD NIGHT!!!!

Johnathon started first grade this week. I cannot even imagine that my littlest and tinest brother is in FIRST GRADE. I hate it. It makes me feel so freaking old.

Caitlyn had her testing for Kindergarten and did really well. She has a few things to work on which we will practice with her, but the lady who was talking with us said we have nothing to worry about and she will excell in Kindergarten. The councelor also asked Who was mom...etc Ashley said she was mom, and I explained that I was step mom and again we were praised for being there together and getting along. :) We really do defy those odds LOL!

Monday was my bestest friends birthday and she turned 25!!!!!!!!!!

and it was also Jesse and I's two year wedding anniversary. Where in the world has time gone?!?!

I had a doctors appointment on tuesday. Just routine check up. Baby is doing great and her heart beat was 146. I measured at 25 weeks, and I have finally gained some weight. (BLAH)

Here are some pictures from the week :)

Week 25 (which started today) update:
Your little grower’s physical proportions are pretty much birth-ready and most of their remaining development will largely be weight gain and a ton of nervous system development.
The good news is: if your child were to be born premature, they’d likely survive without much trauma as their lungs started producing “surfactant” last week, which means their tiny respiratory system is getting stronger with each passing day.
Yes, now’s a good time for a minor sigh of relief and a quick pat on the back. All that hard work and conscientious living is really getting your child prepared for a healthy delivery.
In mobile-fetus news: your baby should be scootching slowly out of the breech position (head upright, with their butt-n-legs down by your pelvis) and start rotating around for a head-first exit through the birth canal.
If all goes well, and your little womb hi-jacker isn't a contrary one, they'll be locked-n-loaded in the next few weeks!
Time is short (or really long, depending on who you ask) — just (still!) 14 weeks left before you can go back to being a single-resident human... with one tiny brand-spankin' new family member!

Caitlyn also started Kindergarten today ! It literally breaks my heart in half to see that she is big enough to go to Kindergarten. Is that even possible? I remember this little baby, who could barely walk, and barely talk. She would say "Dora!' and "Hi" and its just amazing to see this young lady now and see the person she is becoming.

She is in AM, so we had to wake up bright and early. Her mom (Ashley) and her Nana (Cathy) came over to help me get her ready for school. Then Jesse came home from work and we all drove there with her. It took everything this pregnant hormonal butt had not to cry like a baby. I teared up a few times definitly - but it wasnt like a water works show.

Today has just been a crazy day all around with her starting school - I just seriously still cannot believe its time for KINDERGARTEN!!!

Here are my 25 week pictures also  :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

22 weeks & 23 weeks

I turned 22 weeks on August 11th. That week My mom, John and Johnathon all left for North Carolina. My friend Lori had her baby on the 13th. His name is Carter and he is suo super tiny. Caity and I had a relaxing day on Monday and didnt really do anything at all. We hung out just the two of us, clean up some baby stuff, watched tv, went on a lunch date, grocery shopping, made dinner and brownies from scratch. It was a good day :)
We also went to Cosi with Daddy, Aunt Holly, Uncle David and the kids. We had a lot of fun that day :) We never get to do anything like that with Daddy because he works so much but he took the day off to spend some time with us :)

I am feeling ok. My energy seems to be coming back a little but I am getting really tired at work now. Its really hard to serve tables being pregnant. I dont like it at all. I didnt think it would be a big deal, and bug me so much but its hard!!!!

Jesse and Ashley signed Caitlyn up for Kindergarten. Sad day!!! I cannot believe its that time already!

Here are a few pictures from week 22 :)
Caitlyn did that to my belly :)
At our lunch date :)
Little Carter
At Cosi ! Tyla, Kyah, David and Caity
Daddy and Caity
Daddy, Caity, and I.

23 weeks came up pretty fast since we were kind of busy that week. Jesse's car is (was) having troubles, and we had to take it to the shop.
Friday We hung out with Holly and the kids, Mary and Grandma. Mary had the kids pictures taken that day : ) I cannot wait to share those because they are adorable !

My parents and brother came back on the weekend :) Caity missed Johnathon a lot that week so she stayed the night with them to visit. I was happy to see them, except they didnt bring me home any salt water taffy. LOL!!!

Johnathon and I hung out on Monday, Im also sad he is going back to school next week and no more of these days just hanging out together. Lori and Carter came over to visit, and Stephanie, Keira and James :) It was nice to hang out with everyone and snuggle on the wittle baby!!

Tomorrow starts a new week, and a long one at that. Ill be 24 weeks, and in this week We meet Caitys teacher, Have her Kindergarten testing, I have a doctors appointment and we have to start getting in the swing of things for school by next thursday the 1st. Ahh!!

Here are some 23 week pictures. : )

Johnathon and Carter

Still do not have a keyboard to do these updates, but I will soon :)

Here is what she will be doing this next week..
It's another week full of exciting developments for your magical growing baby!
Just take a look at the checklist for this week: 1) ears: done; 2) fingernails: done; 3) (if you have a boy) testicles: taking their 3-4 day trip from the abdominal wall to the scrotum; and 4) lungs walls: secreting “surfactant”.
What’s surfactant? It's basically what it sounds like: a surface-activated fat that helps your baby's little lungs inflate (where inflate = fill with air not get more expensive for no understandable reason).
In the meantime, your submerged baby is still breathing in their amniotic fluid (and a bit of pee), preparing and rehearsing their lungs for an oxygen-filled life outside the womb.
By the end of this week, your wee womb-squatter will be weighing in at a whopping 2 lbs and 14 inches long.
All this new weight means your tiny baby is actually starting to fill out their skin, but they're not anywhere near their adorable fat-baby potential.
Most of the fetal “filling out” is coming up in that long awaited (and slightly dreaded?) third trimester. Woo-hoo! Get ready!

Monday, August 8, 2011

21 weeks

I cannot believe I am over twenty one weeks now. Its so crazy how fast it flys by. It literally still feels like yesterday when I felt a little weird at work, and someone said "Maybe your pregnant?" And I said, "No, I really dont think so..." Then, the next day something again just didnt feel right... Ill never forget taking that test and seeing that positive line. That day has forever changed my life, and I honestly cannot wait until this baby is here.

I sit and think every day about how badly I want time to keep flying by. To go so fast that she is here and I can love on her. But, then again I think about it and as it does go fast, this is our last few weeks being parents to one kid. This is our last 10 weeks having alone time without a kid full time. Its going to be so different and weird to always have a kid in our home. That is not something Jesse or I are used too. :)

This week was a good one. Jesse and I worked like always. Caitlyn had t ball, and played with Johnathon, and her cousins. She is really starting to get ready for Kindergarten. Even if it makes all of us parents sad that she is growing up ! She wants to start gymnastics so we have been looking into that for her. I think she will do well with it. More and more every day she is our little Princess!

I had my anatomy scan on Wednesday and a doctors appointment afterwards. Baby girl is still a girl :) She is still measuring right on her due date. My belly measured right at 21 weeks and I have currently only gained 2 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight :)!!!!

Baby shower plans are under way - I am really excited for it!!

Other than that .... Ill leave you with the 21 week update and pictures :)

21 weeks:
Your beautiful little miracle-gro baby will be putting on a full ounce and a half this week.
And that's just the beginning! Within the next five weeks, they'll really be packin' it on as they start to gain fat!
For now, we’re pleased to report the addition of rapid eye movement (REM); a key component to any healthy baby's sleep schedule, that indicates they're now capable of dreaming.
Over in the dermatology department: your sweet lil bun's thin soft skin is very red, rather translucent, and a bit wrinkled.
Not to worry, it’s not some creepy premature aging disease. It's just their clever little body setting them up with extra space that will smooth out once your little one starts packing on the baby-fat. That won’t be for a few more weeks, though.
So, for the time being, your munchkin is still a little lean mean growing machine!
Lastly, the beginnings of what is commonly called “brown fat” is just starting to fill in to help your baby retain some body heat, which is crucial as they’re not yet capable of regulating their own body temperature.

Ohhhh and P.s. My keyboard at home is broken so if these are late its because I cannot type at home until we get a new keyboard!!!!